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When the ship rock.. Emeghara Collins

When the ship rock

The moon can also pass
her rays...

Then shine in sliver
a sliver sky...

There are things you cannot

Things that must follow you
like your shadow...

To love some one, to love
some one...

Every tears of your eyes is true,
every thought of your heart is true...

I've seen a bird that left herself, then
sang at night fall...

Only yesterday I caught a firefly
shining at sunrise...

And I let her sparkle to me
in my room so dark...

But there are things you cannot

If you do, your feelings, emotions
will fish you out...

To love someone, to love

When a river fake herself, she
she freeze in mid winter...

I've had good friends who sold me
down the river...

But there are things you cannot

Those things that belong to

The feelings of love so

Staying true even when the
ship rocks...

Even when fate has announced your
death tonight...

@ Emeghara Collins
May 2nd 2020.

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