اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

نجمة بحر.. كتبت: د. نوار الشاطر بقلمها

كنت لا أزال
تناغي الفرح
في قلبها
ينمو الضوء
تسابق الرياح
تلعب "الغميضة "
مع خيالها المجنح
توشوش لليل
أمنياتها الغريبة
كأن تصبح غيمة
تهطل نغمة
على "سمفونية "
بحيرة البجع
تراقص المطر
غادرت السماء
 ثم اصطدمت
بسطح الوجع
كي لا تحترق
عانقتها المياه
غسلها الملح
نجمة بحر

#نوار الشاطر
#هديل قلب

The Starfish

I was still a child
Who used to embrace the joy
While in her heart the light unfolds
And the winds
Race with her laugh
She used to play hideaway
With her winged shadow
She whispered to the night
Her strange wishes too
As to become a cloud
From which a melody would fall
Like rain
On the symphony
Of the Swan Lake
She would dance with the rain
Like a star
Whose soul
Was abandoned by the sky
And collided with the surface of pain
And to not let her burn
The waters took her in the arms
And salt washed her
So to become
A starfish
Delirium of a female
whose childhood details wear still
Her heart and soul

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