اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Heart.. Selma Kopic

Doctors say:
- You have a strong and big heart,
and there is nothing that didn't beat,
squeeze and suffocate it.
And now it's still going on
that fight of the heart
with villains,
bad luck,
with doubts,
pressures ...
But there's something
what happened
and squatted in my heart,
so, as much as it hurts,
because it's gone,
it warms even harder.
If there would be a scale,
every other pain is milder
compared to this.
My big heart will,
despite all the adversity,
continue to beat.
But this pain is dear!
And when it finally cracks,
it will burst because of it.


Kažu ljekari:
- Jako i veliko srce imaš,
a svašta ga je tuklo,
stiskalo i gušilo.
I sada još traje
ta borba
sa zlobnicima,
sa nedoumicama,
Al' ima nešto
što je bilo,
pa se u srcu šćućurilo
i koliko god boli
što više nije,
još jače grije.
Kad postojala bi vaga,
svaka druga bol je
spram ove boli blaga.
Moje veliko srce će,
unatoč svim nedaćama,
idalje tući.
Al' ova bol je draga!
I kad konačno pukne,
zbog nje će pući.

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