اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Lonely love.. Selma Kopic


Once upon a time was one love

Gently, like a precious drop

in the palm of your hand,

you have put me above all.

You have fixed the root

from which I will grow,

you have knitt the nett

so I couldn't fall.

You ranked me high

that no one can even

approach me.

And disappeared.

I hold tight to the cotton clouds,

trying to reach for the star blades.

But though it still blazes in the heart,

the sparks in my eyes disappears.

Now the stars make fun of me,

and mine spasmodic grip on the clouds

makes them laugh with pity.

And they wonder:

- What will she do upstairs alone,

among us?

From below

many heads are raised,

many eyes are on,

only a few hands extended for salvation.

My strength is weak,

I won't last long!

What do I do after all?

Everything after you is a fall.

Bila jednom ljubav jedna

Nježno, k'o dragocjenu kap na dlanu,

izdigao si me ti iznad svih.

Učvrstio si korijen iz kojeg ću rasti,

spleo mrežu da ne mogu pasti.

Ljestvicu si visoko postavio

da niko mi ne može ni prići

i nestao.

Čvrsto se držim za pamučne oblake,

pokušavam dohvatiti zvijezda krake.

Al', iako u srcu još plamti,

gasnu iskre u mojim očima.

Sad ruga mi se zvijezda sjaj,

a moje grčevito držanje za oblake

tjera ih na sažaljiv smijeh.

I pitaju se:

-Šta će ona gore sama, među nama?


podignute su mnoge glave,

uprte su mnoge oči,

tek poneka ruka pružena za spas.

Slabi mi snaga,

izdržat neću dugo!

Šta ću sad?

Sve poslije tebe je pad.

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