اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

One day, one night.. Selma Kopic

On the other side of the water,
to the other end of the sky,
leave me and go the one I need.
But this love is not extinguished by distances
and the higher mountains makes it stronger,
persistently defies everything that life brings.
When lightning strikes here,
at the other end thunders breaks,
then carrie him out of his sleep
and he remembers me.
I would give up my freedom for just one day,
I would give up both, bread and water,
for an unfulfilled dream:
that the coast is closer,
that I can fly across the sky,
that the mountains are not so high,
to see him once more by my eyes.
one day, one night.

Jednog dana, jedne noći

S one strane vode,
na drugi kraj neba,
ostavi me i ode
onaj ko mi treba.
Ali ovu ljubav ne gase daljine
i jača je što više su planine.
Ona uporno prkosi
svemu što život joj donosi.
Kad munja ovdje sijevne,
na drugom kraju udari grom
pa ga iz sna prene
i on se sjeti mene.
Odrekla bih se slobode
za samo jedan dan,
odrekla bih se i hljeba i vode
za neostvareni san:
da obala je ona bliže,
da nebo preletjeti mogu,
da planine su niže,
da ga vide još jednom moje oči,
jednog dana, jedne noći.

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