اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The riddle of the words you keep quiet.. Selma Kopic

The riddle of the words
you keep quiet
is tormenting my soul.
Uncertainty ignites
the flames of my love,
while yours inevitably fades.
I enjoy my torment
thinking they were deserved.
The fear of losing you
takes away my ability
to hear,
to distinguish between signs,
to understand
and to accept.
I'm looking
for those eyes of last spring,
one sunrise,
sea and pines.
Then, all of a sudden,
the movie starts swinging too fast ...
What happens?
In an instant,
everything is gone:
and life.

Zagonetka riječi koje šutiš

Zagonetka riječi koje šutiš
muči mi dušu.
Neizvjesnost rasplamsava
plamen ljubavi moje
dok tvoja se
neminovno gasi.
Sadistički uživam u
svojim mukama
misleći da su zaslužene.
Strah da sam te izgubila
oduzima mi sposobnost
da čujem,
da razlikujem znakove,
da shvatim
i prihvatim.
Tražim te oči
lanjskog proljeća,
jedan izlazak sunca,
more i borove.
Onda, odjednom,
film počne
prebrzo da se mota...
Šta bi?
U trenu nestade svega:
ljubavi i

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