اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Dzeneta's tears.. Refik Martinovic

Yellow leaves
one Septembar
and early hot rains
they remind me on you

On days of silence and distraction
when you dreamed of two lives
one without me
in the alleys of restless forebodings
walking with wet steps
sidewaks who listened
just their bells
and others with me
to dream of love
embraced under the blue sky
and at night to divide tears in half
when silence spoke for us
do you remember Dzeneta

after many years
I wake up in the mornings
before the birds
to wipe away your tears

On an empty pillow
and they hurt more
of all sins
and memories
trampled by wild horses
colored by your sorrow
from which your tears drip
don't cry Dzeneta...

I'm still breathing
your sighs
I drink nectar
smells from our fields
and I collect autumn leaves
with which I will cover
your gray street
which will in one song
bear your name
and let your tears
become your early dew
which will wake clear mornings
and spread one's love sails.
Don't cry my Dzeneta...

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