Rainfall Till Infinity.... ©DrYog
Drip, drip, drop, drop,
Tip, tip, tap, tap,
Soft raindrops drops showering,
Steam forming From sea to the sky,
Boils,mountains,rivers,cities and fields.
Then become dark heavy clouds,
Now, it rains here and there.
I raise my umbrella and walk.
Suddenly remember !
Don't know from where !
That Rain came !
Onto my mental horizon,
Was once under my umbrella,
With me, My Life,
Half wet, Half Dry,
Escaping from sorrows,
Dancing and singing happily in joys,
Then one day abruptly,
We fell apart.....
Rain Stopped,
But the umbrella was open.
And still falling....
Tip tip, tap, tap,
Salty Drops, from my eyes.
Steaming From the sea of heart,
boiled blood, broken dreams,
Over exhausted limbs,
Then become clouds and
Showering here and there,
Everywhere, almost everywhere.
Under my hidden smiles.
Not even visible to anyone,
I walk alone, all alone.
With my umbrella open
And rainfall beneath,
Walking still.... till infinity....
Dr Yogendra Arya, Pali, Rajasthan, India, 7.7.2020
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