اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Sin.. Refik Martinović

You left that night
when the sky cried
 with sorrow
and whining autumn rains
watered the cobblestones
our courtyards
 of our yard
and we never saw
each other again.
You left ....
and forgot all the kisses
that stayed at the end
 of the street
your sin didn't hurt you
nor did you see how sad
 all the birds were tonight.

I'll be waiting...
to be dawn in the morning
and  let the tired loneliness  go
I will seek you in our time
which I hid in my poems
maybe you didn't know
 that hidden love
 ignites the most
when the flame of fire
 remains in us

I'll lean my head 
on the warm wing
of silence
to hear the scream
 of parting
and dream
of days gone by
when you had the glow
 In your eye
lit the lanterns of the sleeping city
 being my darling
. and now I am your sin
let other loves judge you.

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