You are at a loss.. Selma Kopic
I'm watching
at your bamboo in a pot
which survives despite years,
into a perfume bottle
which I'm sorry to spend.
I listen to your songs
formed in a short rapture after me.
I read my poems
created in the endless rapture for you.
It's raining outside
and it's autumn night in May.
In the cool room, the light is dim,
the sound of a car on a wet road.
In another too long night
I'm telling you how I live,
what worries me,
what bothers me,
what hurts me ...
And that, in time, will pass.
There’s little I look forward to,
but days go by and I survive.
I no longer cry for you,
neither do I hope, though.
I still don't even let anyone get close.
Now, quite still, I don't have you.
And that is my final surrender.
And even though
I gave up the battle long ago,
trust me, my dear,
you are at a loss.
Ti si na gubitku
u tvoj bambus u saksiji
koji se ne da godinama,
u bočicu parfema
koju mi je žao potrošit.
Slušam tvoje pjesme
nastale u kratkom zanosu
za mnom.
Čitam svoje pjesme
nastale u neprolaznom zanosu
za tobom.
Vani je kiša i jesenja noć u maju,
u prohladnoj sobi škrto svjetlo,
zvuk automobila na vlažnoj cesti.
U još jednoj predugoj noći
pričam ti kako živim,
šta me muči,
šta mi smeta,
šta me boli...
I to će, vremenom, proći.
Malo čemu se radujem,
al' idu dani, a ja opstajem.
Više za tobom ne plačem
nit ti se nadam,
mada još uvijek nikom blizu ne dam.
Sad sasvim mirno te nemam
i to je moja konačna predaja.
I iako sam odavno predala bitku,
vjeruj mi, dragi moj,
ti si na gubitku.
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