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آخر الأخبار

Indie At 74 ( So Today I’m free ).. Odichrist B Hotpraise


She open the cell window
Before the drizzling fall on the Meadows
The sun stood to her eyes glittering
With charms of intense enthuse up and below
Her heart thrilling, like the diamond in the sky
So today, I shall see my kingdom

Beautiful roses falling,
With colourent floras rekindling 
Peace, love, unity and progress
In pleasant lines,
What roars the sea this time ?
The prisoner will be going today

Mountains and sea rocks crack
The night breaks
Yellow yellow bird’s in their cameos
Flagging and  parading the sky
Hugging each other with smile 
The weather bright so high

Old soul !
Today, you’re free
But, “you’ve to swim the sea
To take your leave”
The prison agent said
So today, I’m free?
Indie at 74

Odichrist B Hotpraise
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Dedicated To India For Her Independence.

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