اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

You're everywhere.. Selma Kopic

Don't jump out of my sight
everywhere I go!
I don't need a shadow I can't touch.
There's you in the boxes, on the shelves,
in bags and drawers.
There's you in the diaries and notebooks,
in the closet you hang on hangers,
you're still napping in a suitcase with hearts.
You really don't know when it's enough!
You're jumping around the corners,
you are following me on the sidewalk,
you sit on park benches,
you are pushing yourself on the beach
to take the place next to me
and with a glance you ask:
'' What about those parasols I bought? ''
Shut up, don't ask anything
while someone is watching!
I can't and will not answer you.
They will think:
''When this one quarrel with her mind? ''
You're in the songs on the radio,
you run through some films,
you go through some books ...
Such behavior really doesn't make sense
no more.
You can't take it and give it
just like that.
Delete everything behind you
when you leave already.
Clean up the mess you left behind,
take away everything you forgot.
Are you a ghost or what?
Just a picture, no voice.
Speak out  that I know you're alive,
that you are real, that you exist.
I don't have wings to fly,
not even radar to find you.
What are you afraid of?

Svuda ti
Ne iskači mi više pred oči
gdje god se maknem!
Šta će mi sjenka
koju ne mogu da taknem.
Ima te u kutijama, na policama,
u torbama i ladicama.
Ima te u rokovnicima i sveskama,
u ormaru visiš na ofingerima,
u koferu sa srcima još drijemaš.
Stvarno mjere nemaš!
Iskačeš iza uglova,
trotoarom me pratiš u stopu,
sjediš na klupama po parkovima,
guraš se na plaži
da mjesto do mene zauzmeš
i pogledom pitaš:
''Šta bi sa onim suncobranima
što ih kupih?''
Šuti, ne pitaj ništa
dok neko gleda,
odgovorit ti ne mogu i neću.
Pomislit će: ''Kad se ova
posvađa sa pameću?''
U pjesmama si na radiju,
protrčiš kroz pokoji film,
provučeš se u ponekoj knjizi...
Stvarno nema smisla
takvo ponašanje.
Ne može to tako
uzimaš pa daš.
Izbriši sve za sobom
kad već ostavljaš.
Pospremi nered
koji si ostavio,
odnesi sve
što si zaboravio.
Jesi l duh il' šta?
Samo slika, nema glasa.
Pusti ga da znam da si živ,
da si stvaran, da postojiš.
Krila nemam da letim,
ni radar da te nađem.
Čega se bojiš?

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