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آخر الأخبار

“Destination”.. Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan

It's a blissful element of my life,
Controlling towards the earnest possibility,
Taking care of my longevity from strife,
Erasing the negativity for an eternal accessibility.

It's a vivid hue of my life,
That makes it so mesmerizing in a world,
It's a featured dignifying my world, modern type,
Everyone takes a prestigious regard in whole.

Life has multiple requirements to achieve,
I've positive energy to accomplish,
The thoughts never driven to negative,
As I alter the consideration to cultural freakish.

It makes the life so treasured honor,
Everyone chases me behind the stride,
You can see the reputation in every corner,
The world and you owe me for this pride.

By : Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan
Date : 29/ September/ 2020

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