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“Ecstatic Praise”.. Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan


You can buy a pure heart but not by money,
You can be placed in a soulful heart but not by companionship,
You can make an unbreakable companionship but not by trust,
The things are achievable by an ecstatic praise,
As we make children happy with chocolate.

For creating me a paramount human being,
I have to do a huge praise at every step I take and at every heart beat,
We have to respect the older, elder and senior,
Just because of we're youngers to them,
And we can make an enchanted ecstasy prevailing mutuality.

By giving money you'll get something,
As you can get everything prevailing the praise of  ecstasy,
You'll find the ecstasy in all hearts,
All you want is to fulfill the need with the babe,
While she's being eager of the mind ecstasy.

Love is the vital right to your babe,
Sun is the divine light to human being,
Moon is the needy thing for the twinkling stars,
People are the paramount creatures from Allah,
Praise is the only ecstasy in our heart.

By : Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan
Date : 13/ September/ 2020

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