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FOR A BETTER WORLD by Lovelyn Eyo.. Lovelyn Eyo


The world is torn apart
 Due to lost hug- ripped apart
 Made for love is the human heart
 But we turn it into an artillery
 Stoking tribal, racial, war of the roses
 World wars pricking thorns of chaos
 Life hungry, Life wilting, Life dying
 To ruins is humanity freezing
 How long shall we put up with this bloodiness
 O Stop the wars to heal the land from rot
 Wiping off the nukes of war
 From the nook and cranny of our hearts
 To build a bond stronger than the aging earth
 War may boom... fallen, shattered bond
 But tis so weak that it doth cries for peace
 O PEACE- Sweet Sublime Sovereign
 Comes like the gentle wind
 Spreading it arms of loving hugs
 In its embrace we find the missing piece
 Needed for a sunny, better world

©Lovelyn Eyo
 All rights reserved

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