اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

HIDDEN.. Selma Kopic


There are hidden eyes
in every leaf, flower, grass,
in every drop of dew,
in every particle of air.
There are ears
that hear everything,
and what is said out loud,
and what thoughts hide.
And there is one touch,
imperceptible, light,
which wakes you up in the morning
and puts you to sleep when it is dark.
And so,
what you think is a secret,
it isn’t.
These ears and eyes
know everything
your mind hides.

Postoje skrivene oči
u svakom listu, cvijetu, travi,
u svakoj kaplici rose,
u svakoj čestici zraka.
Postoje i uši koje sve čuju,
i ono što naglas je rečeno,
i ono što misli kriju.
I jedan dodir postoji,
neosjetan, lak,
koji te budi jutrom
i uspava kada je mrak.
I zato,
ono što misliš da je tajna,
to tajna nije.
Ove uši i oči znaju
sve što ti misao krije.

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