اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Iluzija života.. Sanja Strukar Križanac


Kakve li iluzije
Svoje nebo
      Svojim zvati
Duga se nadvija    samo nad
Kao obećanje
      da će se vratiti
Oni što odlaze
   Onima što ostaju
      U suzama
U domovima
     čiji su temelji
   odavno potkopani                     korovom.
    i izdajama

Onima što plaćaju cehove zaduženosti
    besmislenim.             ratovima
     ispunjavajući američke snove
    istih onih
što Naše nebo
     pod tuđe
 granice staviše

Dijeleći se sa nepoznatim ulicama metropola
   Kojim će kročiti jedna polovina srca
  A druga proklinjati
     Ideale kojim su zamotali sramotu

Jer odavna već
  samo su marionete
     nečijih podmuklih              sebičnih snova

Sanja Strukar Križanac

Prevedena na engleski jezik

What an illusion!
To call one’s sky One’s Own
In a place where
The arching of a rainbow
Does only belong to the stations

Much like the promise of return
That those who are leaving
Make to those who are staying
In tears
In homes whose foundations
Weeds and betrayals
Have undermined
Long ago

To those who are paying off the debt
Through meaningless wars
Fulfilling American Dreams
Of the same ones who
Our sky
Within foreign borders have placed

The unknown streets of distant metropolises -
One half of a heart will walk down
While the other half will curse
The ideals
In which they wrapped this shame
Named Man

‘Cause for a long time now
They are puppets only
Of someone’s selfish treacherous dreams

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