Calm your mind
And feel around.
Nature will guide you,
Listen the sound.
Eye catching flowers,
Melodies of chirping birds,
Refreshing winds,
And gentle flowing streams
Combines to form
perfect condition.
You'll certainly feel good.
From the heart, you'll notice.
That's inner peace formation.
“Peace comes from within.
Do not seek it without",
even Gautama Buddha said.
Backing to his noble wisdom
Smile is one of the form
Interesting to awake.
Take a long deep breathe
And put end
to the evil thoughts.
Create a room
For peace within.
You will feel the light
In your loving heart
In every
thick and thin plight.
Do Meditate often
To keep yourself update.
Feel the inner peace
To create beautiful
Atmosphere outside
That you often perceive.
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