اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Rhythmic Life.. Jigme Jamtsho


This life is a drama on the stage
We are all actors acting whole age
Guided by the director like God
We have to face all bad and good
The scenes are all scripted
Called our fate, printed
Sometimes the laughter
Followed by disaster
What a sad rhythm to follow
Through the darkness that glow
Life the precious of all
Some take it just like playing a ball
Where as few act so original
Perfectly tuning with seasonal
Best were awarded
Nobody left without rewarded
Many walk the life with satisfaction
When the success ask for explanation
If the happiness is temporary
Sadness too is not that misery
The act of God is result of our act
Let's our act be as the grace we seek
And with the rays of blessing
Let all be enlighten with showering
Brightest light in the darkness
Mind be cleared with cleanliness
Body be freed from the awful pain
And lost smile be regain
Living life in normal
And formal
© Jigme Jamtsho
Ink like Rhythm In Nature

Photo credited to rightful owner

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