اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Survivor.. Sonam Cheki Wangmo


Since birth, I crawled
In the ever-changing world.
As I grow, I learn to see.
Thus, I busied myself like a bee.

I'm stepping on so many times.
I always pick myself and keep going.
With every struggle that pope me,
I find reasons to embrace hope.

Things go wrong as they sometimes will,
The road I'm trudging seems all uphill.
I want to smile, but I've to sigh.
I rest, but I do not quit aiming high.

Life is strange with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
I don't give up though the pace seems slow,
For I believe I may succeed with another blow.

Though the things seem worse, I don't quit.
Rather, I stick to the fight with hardest hit.
I was a born survivor.
And I'm struggling to find true welfare.

©® Sonam Cheki Wangmo.

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