اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Theme:Dance of life.. Lham Dolma Tamang


Dance of life is obviously Mysterious....
sometimes it is villiainously hideous...
while soemtimes it is flawlessly gorgeous....
it is upon us! whether we want to stay cautiously conscious....
or furiously anxious...

The quest for life remains restlessly endless...
for no one is able to achieve priceless greatness...

we keep dancing with speechless madness....
and gradually days into months and months into years it fearlessly passes...
for time no one can happily purchase...

In the midst of it all...
Joy!let us unfurl....
that which is in the jumbled curl...
be it Gentle boy or a girl...
Let us not remain dull...

Life is not a humdrum....
Never can we fathom...
what it is that lies in this Kingdom....
with responsibility comes a freedom....
where soemtimes we become....
Dance of life's victim!

copyright Lham Dolma Tamang.
Pc: Google

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