اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

FALLING STAGE.. Jigme Jamtsho


On the stage of beautiful universe
Men plays nonsense act in worse
Abolishing rhythm of peace and love
Greed conquering the light of hope

Beauty of greenery in mother nature
Men plough to harvest for the future
Sowing only the seed of unpleasant
Worsening to live happy in the present

Heavenly melodies of singing birds
Souls of many soothing hearts are hurt
Drowning in the depth of darkness
Stage is departing behind in blindness

Heart of oceans are changing the color
Rays of heartening stars are no more
Trees have started to sing a sad song
Heavenly stage is all falling by wrong
© Jigme Jamtsho
Ink like Rhythm In Nature

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