اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Before Time Runs.. Dr Yogendra Vasudev Arya


O Friend ! When you were here with me
I was the happiest person ever to see
Flowers were brighter and magical
Life was so absolutely rhythmical
Laughter was everywhere scattering
What a fantasy with open eyes living
Then i cried and crying still you're gone
Whom to say what to say the real reason
All colours are dull all fragrance lost
I'm now a diverted tossing ship ghost
As if all was a dream and God's Blessing
Now it's a living hell infinitely burning
What true love is realized now deeply
Everything is here but breathing heavily
The days were so much poverty ridden
Yet then felt so abundantly rich heaven
I'm all but nothingness without you
Realized everything but after losing you
Lessons i share with all my loving ones
Love, care, share, value before time runs
©Dr Yogendra Vasudev Arya
Pali, Rajasthan, India 27.5.21

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