اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Forbidden fruit.. Selma Kopic


She's smart.
She has a brain,
but just doesn't have to
to use it.

Every time I see her,
I wish I had more hands,
much less women.
I want to shake up a little
her perfect life.
When this beautiful blonde
seduces someone,
call for help.

I'm in her house,
and she's dressed!
I don't know
who is disappointed more.

An evening with her
would be like a first-class trip,
and my life is economy class.
It would be difficult
to return to it.

They say:''Forbidden fruit
it's easy to love,
but take it with a measure
that it will not be noticed."
I was hoping
that I will taste a little
of that forbidden fruit.
They say it always pleases.

To think of adultery
is not the same
as to commit it.
who would have escaped

Zabranjeno voće

Pametna je ona.
Ima mozak,
samo ne mora
da ga koristi.

Svaki put kada je vidim,
poželim da imam više ruku,
a manje žena.
Poželim joj promućkati malo
njen savršeni život.

Kada ova lijepa plava dama
nekoga zavodi,
zovite upomoć.

U njenoj sam kući,
a ona odjevena!
Ne znam
ko je više razočaran.

Veče s njom
bilo bi
kao putovanje prvom klasom,
a moj život je ekonomska klasa.
Teško bi bilo
vratiti  mu se.

Kažu: ''Zabranjeno voće
lako je voljeti,
al' beri ga s mjerom
da se ne primijeti.''
Ponadao sam se
da ću okusiti malo
tog zabranjenog voća.
Kažu da ono uvijek prija.

Pomisliti na preljub nije isto
što i počiniti ga.
ko bi izbjegao bičevanje?

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