Let's go to the light.. Selma Kopic
Ladies, gentlemen, indecisive!
What's the problem?
There are no difficult decisions.
Decisions are easy.
Do you know why?
Because every time
we already know the solution.
In the dark,
nothing moves forward.
We can always disappear.
Let’s try to live on planet Earth.
We need to fight
for goodness in ourselves
because we have to pass it
on to others.
Let's stop competing
in search of fun
in someone's defeat.
Let's head for the light!
Krenimo ka svjetlosti
Dame, gospodo, neodlučni!
U čemu je problem?
Nema teških odluka.
Odluke su lake.
Znate zašto?
Zato što svaki put
već znamo rješenje.
U mraku se ništa
ne kreće naprijed.
Uvijek možemo nestati.
Pokušajmo živjeti
na planeti Zemlji.
Za dobrotu u sebi
treba se boriti
zato što je moramo
prenositi na druge.
takmičenje u traženju
u nečijem porazu.
Krenimo ka svjetlosti!
What's the problem?
There are no difficult decisions.
Decisions are easy.
Do you know why?
Because every time
we already know the solution.
In the dark,
nothing moves forward.
We can always disappear.
Let’s try to live on planet Earth.
We need to fight
for goodness in ourselves
because we have to pass it
on to others.
Let's stop competing
in search of fun
in someone's defeat.
Let's head for the light!
Krenimo ka svjetlosti
Dame, gospodo, neodlučni!
U čemu je problem?
Nema teških odluka.
Odluke su lake.
Znate zašto?
Zato što svaki put
već znamo rješenje.
U mraku se ništa
ne kreće naprijed.
Uvijek možemo nestati.
Pokušajmo živjeti
na planeti Zemlji.
Za dobrotu u sebi
treba se boriti
zato što je moramo
prenositi na druge.
takmičenje u traženju
u nečijem porazu.
Krenimo ka svjetlosti!
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