اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

PUPPETRY.. Monalisa Parida


Oh! Dear doctor, the doctor of humanity,
Her heart beats faster, do you know why?
She is a child - a prey of the wild men.
She has been molested sexually even before she was eight.
Her body is the target.
She walks around with fear everyday.
Some guys want to rape her on the way,
Some want to sleep with her.
Her body, to them, is a palatable stew.
But she is a girl, they should respect her.
Don't make her life an erotic object for their living.
Come closer, Dear doctor! Hear the tic tok
It's not an mp3 music.
Prescribe not any injection as the remedy.
She is traumatised, you have to hear the tormenting melody.
Medicate her with some chocolate, jellies or ice-cream .
Which she may not share with anybody.
Hey, you the heartless rapists, now don't entice her, saying she is greedy.

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