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آخر الأخبار

World War III.. Olfa Philo


World War III is already underway;
It's an iWAR taking place
behind the scenes
and whose battlefield
is the screen…

It's a war between
information & misinformation

between the marketed
exoteric discourse &
the intentionally withheld
esoteric knowledge …

between the occultists &
the devout people…
between the nihilists &
the moralists…

It's a a war in the MIND
of the masses
between the truth-distorters &
the truth-seekers

between the brainwashers &
the eye-openers

between the hypnotizers &
the awakeners

between the dupers &
the investigators

between the instigators
of bloodshed &
the dvocates of
global peace…

between the worshippers
of Satan
and the worshippers
of God...

Between INSANITY &

WW III is an invisible war
between the hollow
and the hallow…

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