Before I die.. NOSIRU SHARON M
In my last moments
Tell my doctors
To not let my death be in vain
Let me die an Hero
Before I die
Please give my eyes out
To that sweet little girl
Who lives few blocks away from mine
Tell her that the world
Is a very beautiful place
Tell her to focus on the positive vibes
And learn from the negativity
Before I die
Split my body open
Give my heart to Elliot
Tell him he is a fighter
Admonish him to never give up
Whenever he is faced with challenges
Before I die
Give out my organs
To people who are in dire need
For I would no longer need it again
Before I die; Let my son know that
I was sorry I couldn't keep up with the basketball practice
Tell him not to give up until he wins collection of Trophies
Before I die; let my wife Eulogize me
Let her assure me of her undying love
Let her assure me she would be strong for our son
Let her assure me she would have a life
With all these I know
That I have lived a fulfilled life
That I can eventually die an happy man
Rendering help to Humanity even in death
Blackgold ©️
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