اخر الاخبار

JUN NAT… Ramina Herrera


                    Fuerza que me da impulso,
                           me vivifica,
                                                tus piedras,
                           tus ramas,
                                              tu musgo,
                             tus árboles,
                     N.A.T.U.R.A.L.E.Z.A      V.I.V.A
            en cada grieta escondida está mi alma
y me reclama volver a ella
                                    fundirme en tu tierra
en tus raíces
                       en tu grandeza.
                                    JUN NAT
                    The force that gives me the impetus,
                           it vivifies me,
                                                your stones,
                           your branches,
                                              your moss,
                             your trees,
                     L.I.V.I.N.G   N.A.T.U.R.E
            in every hidden crevice is my soul
and she asks me to return to her
                                    melt into your land
in your roots
                       in your greatness.
Ramina Herrera © PERU - June 03, 2021
All rights reserved


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