Love Like A Dove.. Marivic Nemi
Transform your world
if you love dove .
Explore the interest
if you wanna gain love.
Enjoy all these features in a handy .
say no to give up..
Please forgive those tardy motion .,
make it up, in paradise of implementation .
Without human intervention
grow naturally, as a self oriented.
before aspire might devastated.
Take it easy ,there's no rush
allow some time if you gonna offer
your most precious assets .
Go for a walk
towards your integrity
without any stratagems.,
Let your wings
snuggle as a peace maker
and your feet never trample in greediness .
Be the sounds of love
where dove fly
in harmonious beat.
Settling down
Into the land of equities
And there's no inimical in your aim.
©Marivic Nemi
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