MOJU TAJNU ODAVNO ZNAŠ.. Snezana Solkotovic
Moju tajnu odavno znaš
Skrivena je u školjki vremena
Nad njom se uzjogune nestašni talasi,
da je dotaknu ovlaš
kada se iznenadna oluja sprema...
Uz tebe sam kad se raduješ, ljutiš
Kada ustreptala strepim
Moju tajnu odavno slutiš
Po koraku koji odzvanja asfaltom
pred nebeskim satom.
Ona spaja daljine dva sveta
most je koji veže dve obale,
daje krila ponovnog uzleta
priliku da se nežno voli,
da bi umorne zvezde zaspale...
Moju tajnu odavno znaš
Možda zbog toga spokojno ćutiš,
Dovoljan je zagrljaj topao baš
Da se nežnosti prepustiš...
To je ljubav, ona prava, večna,
Koja je moje duše pratilac nem,
Sa tobom sam spokojna, srećna
Dok postojiš znam moj život je ispunjen...
You know my secret from a long time ago,
Hidden in the shell of time,
The restless waves are stirring up above it,
Wishing to touch it,
When a sudden storm is getting ready...
You've been suspecting my secret for a long time now,
By the step echoing the asphalt,
I'm with you when you rejoice or angry,
When I tremble,
Under the celestial watch.
It connects the distances of the two worlds,
A bridge that connects two shores,
Gives the wings of a take-off,
An opportunity to love gently,
Making the tired stars fall asleep...
You know my secret from a long time ago,
Maybe that's why you keep quiet,
A warm hug is enough... indulge in your tenderness...
It's love, it's real, eternal,
My's soul companion,
I'm happy with you, pleased,
While you exist...
...I know my life is filled...
Snezana Solkotovic, Serbia
Skrivena je u školjki vremena
Nad njom se uzjogune nestašni talasi,
da je dotaknu ovlaš
kada se iznenadna oluja sprema...
Uz tebe sam kad se raduješ, ljutiš
Kada ustreptala strepim
Moju tajnu odavno slutiš
Po koraku koji odzvanja asfaltom
pred nebeskim satom.
Ona spaja daljine dva sveta
most je koji veže dve obale,
daje krila ponovnog uzleta
priliku da se nežno voli,
da bi umorne zvezde zaspale...
Moju tajnu odavno znaš
Možda zbog toga spokojno ćutiš,
Dovoljan je zagrljaj topao baš
Da se nežnosti prepustiš...
To je ljubav, ona prava, večna,
Koja je moje duše pratilac nem,
Sa tobom sam spokojna, srećna
Dok postojiš znam moj život je ispunjen...
You know my secret from a long time ago,
Hidden in the shell of time,
The restless waves are stirring up above it,
Wishing to touch it,
When a sudden storm is getting ready...
You've been suspecting my secret for a long time now,
By the step echoing the asphalt,
I'm with you when you rejoice or angry,
When I tremble,
Under the celestial watch.
It connects the distances of the two worlds,
A bridge that connects two shores,
Gives the wings of a take-off,
An opportunity to love gently,
Making the tired stars fall asleep...
You know my secret from a long time ago,
Maybe that's why you keep quiet,
A warm hug is enough... indulge in your tenderness...
It's love, it's real, eternal,
My's soul companion,
I'm happy with you, pleased,
While you exist...
...I know my life is filled...
Snezana Solkotovic, Serbia
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