اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

OLP - MET.. Ramina Herrera


                                   Y volverás a tus cavernas
                                              a buscarte entre las piedras
                                       silenciando tus pensamientos
                                                    lacrando tu lengua
                                 afinando tus oídos
                                               y escuchando la voz del universo…
Solo él te dirá qué camino recorrer,
             qué senda transitar,
                         y qué me momento despertar
                                 los latidos del corazón,
                         abrir los ojos,
           pronunciar un “gracias”
y escuchar en ti el amor de Dios.
                               OLP - MET
                                 And you will return to your caverns
                                                     to look for you among the stones
                                       silencing your thoughts
                                                    sealing your tongue
                                 tuning your ears
                                       and listening to the voice of the universe ...
Only he will tell you which way to go
             what path to travel,
                         and what time to wake up
                         open the eyes,
           pronounce a "thank you"
and listen to the love of God in you ...
Ramina Herrera © PERU - June 05, 2021
All rights reserved

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