اخر الاخبار

The moment.. Selma Kopic


The moment paused,
and lasted much, much longer
than the usual moment.
I wondered if  I was crazy.
I saw that man everywhere.
Only he could
take me away from the world,
convince me
that the most important moment
we are experiencing now.
I have to pay attention
to important moments.
Some never happen again.
If I live in the moment,
I want to live it with him.


Trenutak je zastao,
i trajao mnogo, mnogo duže
od običnog trenutka.
Pitala sam se ludim li.
Posvuda sam vidjela
Tog čovjeka.
Jedino me on mogao
maknuti od svijeta,
uvjeriti me
da je najvažniji trenutak
koji sada proživljavamo.
Moram obratiti pozornost
važne trenutke.
Neki se nikad ne ponove.
Budem li živjela u momentu,
želim ga proživjeti s njim.


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