اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The world Lacks Gratitude.. Kr. Chamling


The world scene; in the total grip of disease
Of pandemic and tense of dictatorship, coup, fault line
Wars, infiltration, where common people are
Badly victimized of in the casualties, the sick earth

Smelling reek, strangle in the pains of lack of management,
Medicines, care and cry for the loved ones who passed away
Death in life- right on the spots, in the rush, home,
Poverty and in the makeshift beds of hospitals, where

The goddesses and gods- poorly equipped nurses and
Doctors busy in brunches in places around the clocks risking
Their own lives along with pressures and abruptly
Acerbic admonition, cold-shouldering and threatening

Surviving they are with sorry hearts to listen, get shared
The tragedies and the traumas and wipe tears of the bleak
Whining world-souls, but all those angels in dystopia-
Professionals are disparaged, discredited in lieu of gratitude.   
Copyrights Reserved @ Kr. Chamling
From: The land of Gautama Buddha & Mt. Everest, the Republic of Nepal
31 May 2021

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