اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

There is no further from here.. Selma Kopic


We crossed a long way
and reached
the farthest point of the continent.
A narrow path led through
a field of desert roses.
From the edge of the high hill
there was an incredible sight.
A strong wind ruffled my hair
as you held me tight.
The waves crashed against the rocks,
and their drops splashed across our faces.
For the first time
I see that vast blue expanse.
Looking into the distance
you said then:
There is no further from here!
There was some symbolism in those words.
From that place,
together, we can only go back.
Far away on the other side, is your home.
At the end of our journey
you'll return to it.
The memory
of the hands that guide me will remain,
of the glow in my eyes
brighter than the reflection
of the sun in the ocean.
What does the ocean
mean to me now?
A fairytale and unrepeatable experience,
but also
a huge cold barrier between us
that scares.
I need your hand to guide me,
I'm drowning in a sea of sorrow
and without you
I can't see better tomorrow.

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