اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Writing.. Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg


Writing reveals and reflects personality,
Writing turns impudence into sublimity,
Writing gives notes of mellifluous melody,
Writing synergies insolence into activity.
Reading strengthens brain, writing spruces up,
Writing takes to escalators to touch sky up,
Writing blows breeze to soothe and gallop,
Writing elevates mood, instills prudence to cope.
. ..
With all maladies and melancholy of life,
Writing engulfs gloom and mist of strife,
Writing enthuses piety with verve of fife,
Writing ends wars that cant do sword and knife.
Writing turned Shakespeare an English stalwart,
Einstein catapulted into stardom with spurt,
Burzaq doyen of Arabic topnotch verse expert,
Khayyam touched heartstrings with melodious pert.
Copyright@Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg, India.

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