اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

You know that.. Selma Kopic


You can accomplish
everything you want.
You know that, don't  you?
Don't miss it!
If you have courage,
nothing is impossible.
Be the person who won't grieve.
Think of the beautiful moments
and remember them.
Nothing is written in stone.
Nothing happens without you.
You have a long way to go
because birds will not
observe themselves.
How will you learn anything
if you don't feel the ground?
Who will listen to the trees whisper?
If your milky-white shoulders
can't keep warm,
for whom will the sun shine?

Znaš to

Ti možeš da
ostvariš sve što poželiš.
Znaš to, zar ne?
Nemoj to propustiti!
Imaš li hrabrosti,
ništa nije nemoguće.
Budi osoba kojoj se ne tuguje.
Misli na lijepe trenutke
i njih pamti.
Ništa nije zapisano u kamenu.
Ništa se ne događa
bez tebe.
Pred tobom je dalek put
ptice neće
same sebe promatrati.
Kako ćeš išta naučiti
ako tlo ne osjetiš?
Ko će slušati drveće
kako šapuće?
Ako tvoja mliječnobijela ramena
ne mogne grijati,
zbog koga će sunce sijati?

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