Agony of The Blind.. NOSIRU SHARON M
There is beauty everywhere
But I can't see
Not because I don't want to
But life didn't give me the chance
Life is hard I hear people say
But I ask myself
What can be harder than being plunged into darkness forever?
Or not being able to see and behold the face of your family?
Or is it the fact that you can't attend to your every need yourself?
And have to depend on everyone
Or is it the fact that you are cheated by everyone that comes your way.?
Everyday is the same for me
No adventure , nothing captivating
Somedays in wallow in self pity and hatred
Somedays I accept my fate and carve a part for myself
I want to see the world,even if it just once
To provide answers to the numerous questions in my head
To set a new path for myself
Above all to behold the beautiful face of my family
To the world a blind person can't see
But a blind can see the humanity within
Far better than a keen slighted individual
Blackgold ©️©️©️©️
But I can't see
Not because I don't want to
But life didn't give me the chance
Life is hard I hear people say
But I ask myself
What can be harder than being plunged into darkness forever?
Or not being able to see and behold the face of your family?
Or is it the fact that you can't attend to your every need yourself?
And have to depend on everyone
Or is it the fact that you are cheated by everyone that comes your way.?
Everyday is the same for me
No adventure , nothing captivating
Somedays in wallow in self pity and hatred
Somedays I accept my fate and carve a part for myself
I want to see the world,even if it just once
To provide answers to the numerous questions in my head
To set a new path for myself
Above all to behold the beautiful face of my family
To the world a blind person can't see
But a blind can see the humanity within
Far better than a keen slighted individual
Blackgold ©️©️©️©️
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