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Happy Were Her Thoughts.. Dusmanta Choudhury


Happy were her thoughts that dwelt in her heart
Blessed with divine grace, the God did impart
Rolling are her feelings that gathered no moss
Of all lost sentiments that once she did embrace

A pious divine soul whose heart is innocent
Never did ever depart her life's amazement
And on her cheek of fate gets divine kisses
How pure, how dear she belonged to her masses

So soft, so sweet in her voice but eloquent
In her speech as if goddess of word apparent
The moon plays, stars play, plays the sun with her
God has made her a champion in divine lore

Lived on the earth and moved in the sky
Where, as her offspring, twinkling stars lie
Breathing in the air of ever eternal love
Leaving the hearts of too sorrowful above

Music of her life is now and then heard
In her mind's dawn and dusk like singing bird
A sleep without dreams, awaited for her
But denied a lurking word be it truth or error

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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