اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

I believe in destiny.. Selma Kopic


Life is connecting.
We only live
when we are connected
to someone.
And when you live
with someone who
can't reciprocate your love,
you're more lonely
than when you're alone.
There are a million ways to live
and everyone deserves to be studied.
I firmly believe in destiny.
If this relationship isn't destined,
it means that the other
is waiting around the corner.

Vjerujem u sudbinu

Život je povezivanje.
Živimo samo kada smo
s nekim povezani.
A kad živiš s nekim
ko ti ne može
uzvratiti ljubav,
usamljeniji si nego
kad si sam.
Živjeti se može
na milion načina i
svaki zaslužuje
da ga se prouči.
Čvrsto vjerujem
u sudbinu.
Ako ovoj vezi
nije suđeno,
to znači da druga
čeka iza ugla.

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