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آخر الأخبار

Oh Dear ! The Harvesting Is Near.. Dusmanta Choudhury


Oh Dear ! the harvesting is near
Still thou leave the ground unclear
Winter wind in ear does often whisper
Of thy fortune as a fortune teller

Nor tongue can speak, as unspoken
Nor eye can see, as seen love token
No time is untime, ever so does part
Ripening time left thy granary apart

What to harvest and what to be left
Did thou sow seed in thy heart kept
Where is thy sickle, moon in health
Thy store, God fills,all eternal wealth

Thy harvest is not all a harvest
A way to lifeless blue, soul's quest
Mind in the mind, heart in the heart
Of all thy glories, from earthly apart

Behold the sky, and its blue ocean
Pluck not the stars ,thy divine rain
Watch the time from oceanic fast
Collect the waves , thy life to recast

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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