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She Is A Dazzling Hope .. Dusmanta Choudhury


She is a dazzling hope, I do see
Falling from heaven,I do her plea
All that is best in pleasure & pain
Plea to her soul, goes not in vain

Leaf of grass measures the wind
Made up of emotion so entwined
Each day is a colour, I find in her
Like blue sky, her heart is wider

Grieves she not, like clean water
Everyone & everyword melts in her
Why feels she, the voice of a soul
Swinging in air,her mind does stroll

The sun gives light, so does moon
Why there is darkness,I so swoon
Whacked is her heart, the air feels
Tinkle of her anklet,her love reveals

Her mind at peace, with full heart
Tinges the way,for emotions dart
All her gems in sparkling showers
Golden is her attitude,like bowers

Word fell, smile fade,no hope dies
She spews the air, life's wick dries
Yet her love, here plays the part
Of an emperess, never to depart

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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