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She Smiles In Beauty.. Dusmanta Choudhury


She smiles in beauty, like the moon
Of a fulmoon eve,after day's swoon
All that beauteous bloom in the sky
Sparkles and sparkles, in her eye

All that so soft, sweet over her face
Springs the stream of life of grace
Unseen, unspoken, nameless charm
Dances over her face sweetly firm

Majestic motion of lips that tremble
Emotions fly away , can't assemble
Speak her eyes the words of love
Weded to the divine spirit so above

How bright how sweet that all gems
Sparkling showers from face stems
And on her cheek and over her brow
So soft, so tender a lotus does grow

The earth & heaven seem to be one
As if she has, the divine victory, won
Her smiles have in store,all wisdom
Like the wisest , in morning autumn

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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