اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The moment of eternity.. Refik Martinović


 It's hard to describe
 the unforgettable one
 July night
 when you gave me eternity
 which is invisible
 sneaked down our alley
 while the children slept
 on a forbidden night.

 And we are like two worlds
 silent with the stars
 and waited for a mild moon gift
 who is cheeky and passionate
 peered out our window
 caressing boiling longings
 in our night.

 You half-brain
 you wandered with your lips in the darkness
 looking for hot springs
  sources of growth
 ... I loved watching you
 how your thighs whiten
 in the moonlight
 as the breasts raced
 like restless lambs
 under a silk shirt
 slightly hiding
 ancient beauty
 of the female body
 ... the night went by
 waiting for the white morning
 and you left me
 a moment of eternal duration
 and remained in me forever.


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