What happened to us.. Selma Kopic
When we got married,
we promised
in good and in evil.
It seems
the time has come
for doubts,
the time for break ups.
What a mess!
The burden was too heavy
for each of us to carry,
but also to share it.
We are really exhausted.
We are really scared.
Life has always overwhelmed us.
What happened to us?
Why did we break down like this?
Love should be a challenge.
It’s not always easy,
but is it always this hard?
It hurts like a thorn in the finger.
But this one stuck
deep above stomach.
Šta nam se dogodilo
Kad smo se vjenčali,
obećali smo
i u dobru i u zlu.
Izgleda da je došlo
vrijeme za sumnje,
vrijeme za prekide.
Kakva zbrka!
Teret je bio pretežak
da ga nosi svako sam,
ali i da ga dijelimo.
Zaista smo premoreni.
Zaista smo uplašeni.
Život nas je uvijek zatrpavao.
Šta nam se dogodilo?
Zašto smo se ovako slomili?
Ljubav bi trebala biti izazov.
Nije uvijek lako,
a je li uvijek
ovako teško?
Boli poput trna u prstu.
Ali, ovaj se zabio
duboko iznad stomaka.
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