اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

You Are Under Arrest.. Dr.Okram Shakuntala


I put you in my heart's prison
You can't be released in bail
I chained you with my arms
It is your punishment to love me
Your case records have been sealed
The voice of your mind is forfeited

Since it is a rigorous improvement
You will serve me for the whole life
And life after life in every next birth
You will not be allowed to eat anywhere but in my plate

You will not be allowed to drink
But you will drink my lips
Your eyes will not be allowed to dream
Your eyes will dream only the dream of me

You will not be allowed to see anyone else except me your lord
During your lifelong imprisonment
You can not wear any clothes
Without my choice and offering
You can not sleep anywhere
But only on my heart with my soul

Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala

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