اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

I Humbly Confess.. Dr.Okram Shakuntala


Oh God !
I humbly confess
As I am in love
With someone
I don't know
Whether it is a virtue or sin
I know as everybody knows
Love is God
Love is divine
Love life
Love is the earth
Love is the universe
Hence I love

Oh God !
Why do human beings love?
What is the cause of love?
What is the outcome of love?
When do human beings love ?
How does love born?
How does it grow?
Does love have life?
Does love have soul?

Oh God !
I feel much proud of my love
I have given it a life
I have given it a soul
I get a great joy of love
I get a God of love
Please forgive
I have committed a sin
In loving someone

Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala

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