اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Missing My Sun… Gerlinde Staffler


Stumbling heart falls over sharp pain
Missing my sun is like being in chain
Mountains so high, looking so grey and wrong
My light, lost in the sky, to you I belong

Sick waterfall bursts through hard rock
Down a sobbing valley, freed from any block
Pouring out in vivid desire to speak
To the only heart I restlessly seek

I'll follow the scent of heaven in air
Directing my will to find and to dare
To give a surprise to my yearning song
Quick is the night, the day no more long

Faithful to the promising velvet horizon
I gather my courage in cell and bone
Like gulls I move over an ocean stream
To get peace in the arms of my dream

© Gerlinde Staffler | Italy

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