Oh Happiness.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das
Date:29.08 2021
Oh Happiness
Oh Happiness you are like the ethereal songs of heaven.
Everybody wants to share your wings of love.
Where is your bough of blossoms.
Come on and spread your sweet fragrance upon all of us.
Oh Happiness where is your passion of embrace.
Spread your subtle links of net to cover on all of us.
Where is your cheerful bed in which you lull all to.sleep.
And intoxicate all in the rapt calm reverie.
Oh Happiness the divine gift of heaven.
Your touch is like the charm of thousand roses.
Your presence is the sweetest of morning breeze
And charmful abode of heavenly peace
Oh Happiness give a place to all the wretched persons in your sweet lap.
To give a moment's joy to the restless soul.
To.relieve the pangs they endure throughout their life.
To embellish them all in the glory of divine love and peace.
Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright
Oh Happiness
Oh Happiness you are like the ethereal songs of heaven.
Everybody wants to share your wings of love.
Where is your bough of blossoms.
Come on and spread your sweet fragrance upon all of us.
Oh Happiness where is your passion of embrace.
Spread your subtle links of net to cover on all of us.
Where is your cheerful bed in which you lull all to.sleep.
And intoxicate all in the rapt calm reverie.
Oh Happiness the divine gift of heaven.
Your touch is like the charm of thousand roses.
Your presence is the sweetest of morning breeze
And charmful abode of heavenly peace
Oh Happiness give a place to all the wretched persons in your sweet lap.
To give a moment's joy to the restless soul.
To.relieve the pangs they endure throughout their life.
To embellish them all in the glory of divine love and peace.
Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright
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