اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Silence- -The Cosmic Word.. Dr.Maheswar Das


Silence -- The cosmic word.

Silence  is a cosmic word.
Words uttered in silence are  powerful  than the spoken words.
Sublime thoughts originated in  silence are like sweet songs of the cuckoo.
Prayer spoken in silence becomes a force  and reaches the divine
Thoughts travel in silence are faster than any medium.
Messages are send to the loved one in silence.

An ethereal beauty wraps the brain in silence.
Powerful thought vibration comes out from mind  in silence and reaches  far and wide.
Silence is concentration .
Silencing the mind is meditation.
Silence awakes inner consciousness

Stars emit blue light in silence.
Silence has a language of its own.
There is no barrier to thoughts  transmitted through silence
Love vibrates in silence
Supreme diviñe manifests in silence.
Flowers open in silence..
Unspoken things are told in silence
Mysterious things of the cosmos happen in silence..
Silence is the bliss divine.

Copyright @Dr.Maheswar Das.

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